Jon Fredricks
CLIENT: RCI VenturesISSUE: 01/2019AGENCY: M BoothSUBJECT: Jon Fredricks, president & CEO of Welk Resort GroupPHOTO EDITOR: Pamela Pasco
CLIENT: RCI VenturesISSUE: 01/2019AGENCY: M BoothSUBJECT: Jon Fredricks, president & CEO of Welk Resort GroupPHOTO EDITOR: Pamela Pasco
CLIENT: DEKRAISSUE: 01/2019AGENCY: RELEVANCEPROJECT MANAGEMENT: fotogloriaSUBJECT: New work – anytime and anywherePICTURE DESK: Olaf Roessler
CLIENT: COM/365SUBJECT: Alessandro Uzielli, great-great-grandson of Henry Ford and head of Ford Motor Co.’s Global Brand and Entertainment divisionPHOTO EDITOR: Janice Checchio & Carolyn Dowd ART DIRECTOR: Raquel Schott
CLIENT: Modern CounselISSUE: #18SUBJECT: Cynthia Patton, senior vice president & chief compliance officer at AmgenPHOTO EDITOR: Gillian Fry