Alfred Lomas
CLIENT: Chrismon ISSUE: #12/2012 SUBJECT: Alfred Lomas, former gang member PHOTO EDITOR: Michael Apel
CLIENT: Chrismon ISSUE: #12/2012 SUBJECT: Alfred Lomas, former gang member PHOTO EDITOR: Michael Apel
If photography rhymes with irony by Valeria Garavaglia (translated from Italian) Patrick Strattner is an emerging photographer who shows a distinctive irony in his photography. Born in Nuremberg 36 years ago, strattner relocated to California for love (his wife is American) in 2011. He decided to study photography after doing an internship at an advertising agency and photo studio. After finishing his studies, he began working in Europe and the US with such brands as adidas […]
CLIENT: Die Zeit ISSUE: #32/2012 SUBJECT: Walter Munk, physical oceanographer PHOTO EDITOR: Ágota Vincze
CLIENT: Cicero ISSUE: 06/2012 SUBJECT: Tom Kummer, journalist & writer PHOTO EDITOR: Tanja Raeck